
(Welcome to our temporary website. Stay tuned for a full overhaul in 2014.)


How to contact us:

  • Tel: 9465 5162
  • Fax: 9464 1972
  • Email: office@lalorllc.vic.edu.au
  • Find us at 47A French Street, Lalor, just behind the Lalor Library
  • Post: PO Box 1144, 47A French Street, Lalor. Vic. 3075

 People learning together at Lalor LLC - DSC03846


The Lalor Living & Learning Centre is a Registered Training Organisation (TOID 3902) and a Neighbourhood House that has been a local community run association for over 25 years. This welcoming, friendly and professional Centre provides many different activities and classes for members of the community. Many activities focus in adult education but the Centre is very supportive of learners of all ages from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Download your copy of our course brochure for 2014 here (pdf format, 500kb).

What programs do we run?

The Centre offers the following Pre-accredited courses:

  • English for the Workplace
  • Living In Australia – English Language Course
  • Language through Music
  • Workplace Skills for Job Seekers
  • Navigate the Internet

The Centre offers the following Accredited courses:

  • Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory)
  • Certificate I in General Education for Adults
  • Course in Preliminary Spoken & Written English
  • Certificates I – III in Spoken & Written English
  • Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology
  • Computer courses: Operate a Personal Computer; Operate Word-processing Applications; Operate Accounting Applications (MYOB)


What else does the Lalor Living & Learning Centre offer?

  • After School Tutoring: Monday-Thursday from 3pm-9pm during term time for all school students (and others!); individual and small group sessions in a wide range of subjects. For information contact Joyce in the office or email afterschooltutoring@lalorllc.vic.edu.au
  • Occasional Childcare Service: Monday-Thursday 9am-3.30pm; sessions from 1-5 hours; for information or bookings contact Cathy in the office.
  • Singers Without Borders: a friendly and relaxed multicultural choir meets on Friday mornings – no previous experience necessary!
  • Community Support: Our helpful office staff are able to provide connections with other organisations and services.


As a not-for-profit community organisation, Lalor Living & Learning Centre aims to keep all fees and charges as low as possible.

Lalor Living & Learning Centre acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.


Learn Local logo NH Heart House logo - no words (optimised for web)